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Saturday, September 12, 2020

Theft, extortion, robbery, dacoity differences and their sections - summary

Let's summarize the differences with this chart to quickly understand.

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Theft  , RobberyDacoity Extortion

Let's quickly see some Illustrations:

1.   A goes to B's house and takes the watch on the table and put it inside his pocket with the intention to sell it to get money and goes away before B returns from the room.

A has committed THEFT.

2. A threatens B with some indecent photographs and demands Rs1,00,000,  Upon not giving the sum A shall circulate the photos to B's husband's family. B informs police and doesnot give money. Police captures A. Now  A is guilty of-

A is guilty of EXTORTION.

3. A goes to B's house and threatens B to handover the property paper and upon not handing over them,They end up in fist fight, A takes the gun and loads them and points it on B's child, Upon fear of killing his daughter, B handover the documents and A goes away.

A has committed ROBBERY.

4. A along with B,C,D,E,F,G and H collects some sharp weapons and a Gun loaded with bullets and enters Z's office and takes away all the money and valuables by pointing gun on Z and knife on Z's employee. The gang flees from there by pushing every body inside the office. here the Gang has committed -

A and his companions with common intention has committed DACOITY.


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